Center Point at Main, 100 S. Main, Suite 420, Wichita, KS 67202

Category Archives: Divorce

Who Gets the Family Home in a Kansas Divorce?

home after divorce

For many married couples, the family home often represents not just a significant financial asset but also an emotional centerpiece of the marriage. During a divorce, as part of equitable distribution, Kansas courts strive to divide marital property fairly, though not necessarily equally. The division of the family home requires careful consideration of both financial […]

Gray Divorce: Special Considerations for Couples Splitting Late in Life

Gray Divorce: Special Considerations for Couples Splitting Late in Life

Statistics show that couples are divorcing later in life. In fact, the divorce rate amongst older couples has tripled since the 1990s. This type of marriage dissolution between partners over the age of 50 has become known as gray divorce. While the dissolution process generally follows the same legal framework as any divorce, there are […]

How to Establish Paternity in Kansas

How to Establish Paternity in Kansas

When a child is born out of wedlock in the State of Kansas, there is no presumption of paternity and the law does not automatically confer any support obligations on any man not married to the mother unless paternity is established. There are several ways in which paternity can be recognized under state law. A […]

Dividing Retirement Assets in a Kansas Divorce

Dividing Retirement Assets in a Kansas Divorce

If you are married, the retirement savings you have worked long and hard to build are not yours alone. In a Kansas divorce, they are subject to being divided with your spouse through the process known as equitable distribution. Kansas law requires the division of property in a divorce to be fair but not necessarily […]

Who Gets the Stimulus Check When Spouses Are Separated or Divorcing?

Who Gets the Stimulus Check When Spouses Are Separated or Divorcing?

Going through a divorce is stressful enough, but the coronavirus pandemic spreading throughout the United States presents additional complications for spouses who have decided to split. In addition to changes that might need to be made regarding custody and visitation arrangements while travel is restricted, negotiations over property division need to address any new economic […]

How Are Divorce Proceedings Being Affected by the COVID-19 Quarantine?

How Are Divorce Proceedings Being Affected by the COVID-19 Quarantine?

Throughout the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our daily routine in ways that none of us could have ever imagined. Like everyone else, spouses who are already experiencing the turmoil associated with divorce have been forced to deal with additional challenges. Despite the obstacles, it is important to maintain control over what you […]

Will the U.S. See its Divorce Rate Spike After the COVID-19 Quarantine Ends?

Will the U.S. See its Divorce Rate Spike After the COVID-19 Quarantine Ends?

With so many American residents stuck at home with their families, prognosticators have predicted that several months down the road, the country could experience a baby boom and a divorce deluge. Unlike a cozy blizzard that keeps you home from work for a few days, a global pandemic that triggers shelter-in-place orders spreading over multiple […]